The trusted network of job seekers and recruiters with a wide range of work opportunities for blue collars of every scale.
MyJobee is an innovative & trusted jobs search and recruitment platform for skilled, unskilled and unorganized blue-collar workforce. It connects both employers and job seekers in a transparent and simplified manner in their own language with its multi-lingual capability.
🔍 Job seekers can easily search for job listings in their preferred category & area, and apply with couple of taps.
✅Hotels & Restaurants staff
✅Retail Staff
✅Office Staff
✅Warehouse Staff
✅Hospital Staff
✅House Help
✅Factory Workers
✅Construction Workers
✅Security Staff
✅Trades Person
✅Field Sales
📌For Businesses and Households:
👍 Start and post jobs on the platform with free credits & without payment info
👍Innovative pricing and tremendous savings – pause jobs at any time with single touch and save money
👍 Multi-lingual so you can post in any language
👍 View, Shortlist and Select candidates from a single screen
👍 Set preferred time slots to get contacted by job seekers
👍 Recruit locally by Geofencing so that only local people see the job
📌For Staffing Agencies:
👍 Manage multiple client accounts with one login along with joint recruitment
👍 Separate postings and candidates list for each client
📌For job seekers
👍 Easy to use Mobile App
👍 No Resume creation required
👍 Only current and active verified jobs. No old or stale jobs.
So, why wait? Download MyJobee today and start finding the best candidates for your organization!